Pay Calculator

This advanced wage/pay calculator allows you to calculate your total pay based on the number of hours you worked and your hourly rate. You can also enter overtime hours and rates to calculate your total pay including overtime. This calculator is useful for anyone who wants to calculate their total pay based on their work hours and rates.


  1. Enter the number of hours you worked in the "Enter the number of hours worked" field.
  2. Enter your hourly rate in the "Enter the hourly rate" field.
  3. If you worked overtime, select "Yes" in the "Do you have overtime?" field and enter your overtime hours and rate in the additional fields that appear.
  4. Click the "Calculate" button to calculate your total pay.
  5. Your total payment will be displayed in the "Result" field.

Note: If you entered a negative number for the number of hours worked or hourly rate, an error will be displayed instead of the result. Also, the overtime pay is calculated at 1.5 times the overtime rate.

Wage Calculator

Wage Calculator

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